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Архив рубрики: Free Scripts Ready Code
Preloader ready code without jQuery
Oh yay! You visited Old Pepper’s Blog Good day to all. The task is how to keep the visitor until the page is completely rendered. The visitor can be impatient and easily leave if the page loads for a long … Читать далее
CSS 3d Transform Rotating Cube
Do you want such a cube on your site? Take the. Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=»ru»> <head> <meta charset=»utf-8″ /> <title>Rotating Cube</title> <style> .wrap { -webkit-perspective: 500px; -ms-perspective: 500px; perspective: 500px; -webkit-perspective-origin: 50% 50%; -ms-perspective-origin: 50% 50%; perspective-origin: … Читать далее
CSS Transition Turning Images
Try it, hover over my photo.
Living Heart | Animate CSS
Here I will show a working heart. It consists of two blocks, and a triangle. Код: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=»ru»> <head> <meta charset=»utf-8″ /> <title>Living Heart</title> <style> @keyframes bounce { from, to { -webkit-transform: translateY(10vh) scaleY(.98); transform: … Читать далее
Text on Pictures | Hover
Five examples of the appearance of text in images. Ready code. Example 1 Text appears from the depth of the image. Code Example 2 Text appears from the depth of the image, rotating. Code Example 3 Text extends from the … Читать далее
How to Customize Button Styles With CSS Examples
This is not about design. Here is a ready-made code of various effects with detailed comments. In the future, these effects can be applied to any design idea and create an original button that no one else has on the … Читать далее
CSS slider
Here is the simplest CSS slider in the world. Advantage — ease and safety. Disadvantage — it is difficult to repeat the cycle without rebooting. But it’s possible using the animation timing method. Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=»ru»> <head> <meta … Читать далее
Animate CSS | Animation for the Site Header
Here are some ideas that you can use when creating a site header. You can use them completely, or take some parts and create your own header or banner design. Pop-up header and description of the site. Name of the … Читать далее
Menu Marker | Drawing CSS
How to make menu icons not pictures, but write in html + css. Very small picture, uploads 200 ms. code with html is loaded one order faste. @ mail Code ✎ Write Code ≡ Menu Code Home … Читать далее
List Marker we draw in CSS
The picture for the list marker is an inadmissible luxury, since it takes a very long time to load. So I’ll show you some examples of how to create a marker using html and css. Square Code List List Circle … Читать далее
Javascript Slider Carousel
The simplest javascript slider You can add as many pictures as you like. All of them will appear at a given interval. HTML <div id=»carousels»> <div class=»carousel demonstration»><img src=»images/1.jpg»></div> <div class=»carousel»><img src=»images/2.jpg»></div> <div class=»carousel»><img src=»images/3.jpg»></div> </div> Javascript <script> var carousels … Читать далее
Additional page without reloading
You have a page with your products. The visitor liked the product and wants to know where it can be obtained. If you place a map on the page with the indication of retail outlets, it will take up a … Читать далее
Flame in title
Another decoration for the site Flaming Headline The idea from htmlweb.ru HTML <div class=»flame» id=»fire»>Flaming Headline</div> CSS .flame { font-size: 30px; padding: 20px 0 10px 20px; width: 350px; font-weight: bold; background: scroll 0% 0% rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(50, 50, … Читать далее
Cursor with effects Javascript
Code: HTML <div style=»z-index:1″> <!—z-index задаётся всему коду—> <div id=»adot0″ style=»position: absolute; visibility: hidden; left: 0px; top: 0px;»><hr style=»width: 8px; height: 8px; border-radius: 50%; background: radial-gradient(circle, white, red 40%);»></div> <div id=»adot1″ style=»position: absolute; left: 892px; top: 340.011px;»><hr style=»width: 8px; height: … Читать далее
HTML Hidden Help
Hidden help is opened by mouse click. To do this, you can make a button or select a word in the text 1. Selected text. Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada. Help Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada. Yada, Yada, … Читать далее