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Архив рубрики: Html basics
HTML Frames
Здравствуйте уважаемые начинающие веб мастера. The frame is one of the most popular options for content design, and in this article I will show everything you need to know about the frame html. A frame can be created for any … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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HTML site Code
This is the easiest HTML site code. Nevertheless, it allows you a nice small website. Sample template Site name (organization) Description of the site Home On the planet Dorothy, human «Sweet» JP races in the Yellowline car race, the galaxy’s … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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HTML Forms | Tags input and textarea
Form html — means of communication site with the visitor. These are comment fields, the Send, Clear, Select button, boxes, which put checkmarks, password fields and captcha. Form tags <form></form> — form container <textarea></textarea> — поле комментариев <input> — field … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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HTML Tables all you need to know about tables
Writing a table HTML <table></table> — table container <tr></tr> — table row <th></th> — table column <td></td> — table cells Table code is written by copying. <table> <tr><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr> <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr> </table> Inserting records into table cells. <th></th> — default font bold. <table> … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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CSS Cursor
All HTML tags HTML Special Characters Web Color Code The cursor type is set by the property css cursor, who can take different meanings. сursor: auto; — normal cursor. cursor: pointer; — choice. сursor: progress; — expectation. сursor: help; — … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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Web Color Code
All HTML tags HTML Special Characters CSS Cursor Name Hexadecimal RGB Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0 DarkRed #8B0000 139, 0, 0 FireBrick #B22222 178, 34, 34 Crimson #DC143C 220, 20, 60 IndianRed #CD5C5C 205, 92, 92 LightCoral #F08080 240, 128, … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics, Без рубрики
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Links HTML
The HTML link is the tool by which all the navigation on the Internet is performed. By the link, you can go from one resource to another, from one page to another, and also to navigate a separate page from … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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Html comments
Comments are a description of the code. It is used to make the code understandable to users. The comment is written in the code, but the browser does not process it. In different programming languages, comments are displayed in different … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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Html headers
Each web page has a title. The very first document header is displayed in the browser tab <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=»en»> <head> <meta charset=»utf-8″ /> <title>Document’s name</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> All other headers in html are written as follows … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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Paragraphs html
All text on the page is divided into paragraphs To create a paragraph, use the <p> tag. It is paired, blocky. Any text enclosed in the <p> tag will start with a new line. The text not enclosed in the … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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In HTML, there are three kinds of lists. 1. Ordered list Example of an ordered list Example of an ordered list Example of an ordered list In html we write this way: Code: <ol> <!—List container—> <li>Example of an ordered</li> … Читать далее
Рубрика: Html basics
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