The cursor type is set by the property css cursor, who can take different meanings.
сursor: auto; — normal cursor.
сursor: progress; — expectation.
cursor: vertical-text; — vertical text.
сursor: cell; — cell selection table.
cursor: crosshair; — фокус, crosshairs.
cursor:col-resize; — resize horizontally.
cursor: row-resize; — resize vertically.
сursor: nesw-resize; — resize horizontally and vertically.
cursor: nwse-resize; — resize vertically and horizontally.
cursor: n-resize; — resize vertically.
cursor: e-resize; — resize horizontally.
cursor: zoom-in; — to enlarge.
cursor: -webkit-grab; — Capture, works with vendor prefixes.
cursor: -webkit-grabbing; — Capture, works with vendor prefixes.
For the cursor, you can set your own image.
cursor: url(images/s20.png);
Bonus Cursor on javascript