Increase the female breast by clicking on the picture
In WordPress, by default, when you click on a picture, you go to the picture page. It is very uncomfortable
In order for the image to expand directly on the page, a special script must be installed on the site.
The installation is simple, affordable for beginners.
The script increases only those images to which you specify.
Installing on WordPress
If there was a plug-in for increasing pictures, then it should be removed
Through FTP we upload Zip to the root folder of the site and unpack it
Zip can be removed
We go to the file footer.php . — wp-content — themes — Your theme is
In this file, at the very end, before the </body>, you need to insert the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var boxes=[],els,i,l;
In three lines, where the address of my site is, you need to replace it with your own, and save the file.
With the installation of the script — finished, now how to specify those images that need to be increased.
We load images as usual, through the loader, then in the Text editor mode, we find the image code.
Before the href attribute, insert the following attribute:
That’s all. The program will work.
1. Improved behavioral factor
2. The program will not affect the download speed of the site.
I wish you a high position in your search.